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Nutcracker 2024 Performance &
Rehearsal Information!

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CSA 2022 Nutcracker - Sat PM-40.jpg

We are excited to announce our 12th annual production of The Nutcracker ballet this holiday season! All students in the ballet program are encouraged to participate in this magical experience!


Each ballet class will perform one dance in The Nutcracker. Dancers in Kindergarten, Junior, Teen, Intermediate and Advanced ballet classes need not audition, as they are directly cast in suitably challenging roles by the Ballet Department Staff. Casting will be announced in September. Most rehearsals will be during class time; however, there will be a few extra practices later in the fall. While we hope that all of our ballet students will perform in the Nutcracker, participation is not required. Rehearsals will be only a portion of class time and will reflect technical concepts students are learning.


Should you have any questions regarding the production or rehearsal schedule, please don’t hesitate to ask the front desk or the director of The Nutcracker, Maggie Hartman.  




The Nutcracker will be performed at Hendricks Hall on the UCM Campus (this is the same theatre where we perform the spring recital).


PERFORMANCE DATES: Saturday, December 7 at 2pm & 7pm AND Sunday, December 8 at 1pm & 5pm


  • Kindergarten Combo, Jr. Ballet 1 & Jr. Ballet 2 classes are divided between the 4 shows. Dancers in these classes will only perform in 2 of the 4 shows (1 matinee and 1 evening show time). 

  • Jr. Ballet 3  & Jr. Ballet 4 classes may perform in 2 or all 4 shows pending class enrollment and casting.

  • Int. Ballet 1 and up classes will perform in all 4 shows.




Nearly all rehearsals will be during class time, however, to make each dancer look his or her best and understand how the whole show fits together, a few extra rehearsals will be required. Detailed schedules will be sent home once casting is complete.


MANDATORY DRESS REHEARSAL:  All dancers required to attend. Dec. 2-6, 2024 (exact day/time TBA)


PRODUCTION FEE: Great news! The cost was able to stay the same as last year!


Due to the cost of producing such a show, each dancer will be required to pay a $60 non-refundable production fee. This fee is used directly to offset the cost of costumes, theatre rental, extra rehearsal time and technical elements of the production. The production fee can be paid in two installments. All payments must be paid in full by October 15. Students enrolled in more than one ballet class who would like to perform in the production with each class, may do so at a rate of $40 per additional class (to cover the cost of costumes).


TICKETS: Information on purchasing tickets will be sent home with students in November.




Each dancer will be responsible for providing their own required ballet tights (purchased from Center Stage) and class specific ballet shoes. All other costume pieces will be provided by Center Stage.

Please fill out the Production Agreement form via the link below to let us know if your dancer IS OR IS NOT participating by August 29, 2024!


Principal Role Info coming after auditions on April 24!

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