Recital 2019 Information!
Stages of Life 2019

Recital 2019 Information!
May 31, 7:00pm & June 1, 2:00pm & 7:00pm
Hendricks Hall, UCM Campus
Stages of Life 2019

May 31, 7:00pm & June 1, 2:00pm & 7:00pm
Hendricks Hall, UCM Campus

​(660) 747.6133
Celebrating 25 years!
Recital 2019 Information!
Stages of Life 2019

May 31, 7:00pm & June 1, 2:00pm & 7:00pm
Hendricks Hall, UCM Campus
Recital Pictures
Recital Pictures are now available to view online!
Click on the link below and enter your password to begin viewing your pictures.
(Passwords were emailed out May 24, 2019!)
Order forms are available to pick up at the studio or download via the link above.
Picture forms along with payment are due by June 4th. We have extended the due date since there is a new late order fee charged by the photography company to cover the cost of shipping. See below for more details.*
You can drop your orders off at the studio until Wednesday, May 29th at noon, and from 9am - 8pm on June 3rd and 4th. There will also be a box to drop them off at the check in table during both dress rehearsals and throughout the recital weekend. This is in the back of Hendricks Hall where all the dressing rooms are! Just look for Kristina!
We will notify studio families when the photo packages are ready to pick up via email and facebook!!
If you have any questions about placing your order, you can contact Kyleigh Whitfield Photography directly in any of the following ways:
Via Their Website Contact Form
Send an email to: kyleighwhitfield@yahoo.com
Or Call: 660.473.9324
*If you don't get your order in by June 4th at 8pm, you are still in luck! Just take a digital picture of your order form (front and back), or scan it and send it to kyleighwhitfield@yahoo.com. She will still process your order but it will be a little later and she will ship yours to you. You will be charged a shipping fee for this when she processes your order.
May 6th-9th During Your Regular Class Times!
We are thrilled to be using the same local photography company again this year : Kyleigh Whitfield Photography
After your pictures are taken, you will be able to view proofs online beginning Thursday, May 23rd! You will then have until June 1st to turn your order forms in at the front desk or to staff in the main lobby of Hendricks Hall during recital rehearsal week! An email will be sent out with the passwords you'll need to view your pictures online!
We will send an email out when pictures are available for you to pick up at Center Stage later in the summer!
Both individual and class pictures will be taken in costume. Please come with your hair and make-up done per the instructions on your Costume Information Sheet (these can be found on the recital information webpage!). ​​
Bring your recital costume with you to class and change AFTER you arrive at the studio! Please be ready to have your picture taken at the beginning of your class time- so plan to arrive early in order to have time to change!
Please double check that all of your costumes and accessories, including tights*, are ready for picture day!
*Recital tights are available for purchase at the front desk! Remember, ALL recital tights MUST be purchased from Center Stage to ensure a uniform look for all dancers! Please note, as the color of tights can change significantly each year, dancers will not be able to use last year’s tights.
Still have a question? Use the form below to send it our way and we'll get back to you ASAP!